
Caring For Climbing Rose Bushes Couldn't Be Easier

Caring for climbing rose plants is incredibly easy. Although growing traditional roses does take skill and special care, climbing roses are a bit easier for the beginning gardener to handle which makes them a great place to start. One of the joys of including roses in your garden is undoubtedly the fragrance they provide as well as the beautiful flowers. Who wouldn't love going outside and basking in the beauty and fragrance of a luscious rose-filled garden?

Besides adding beauty, the climbing variety in particular can also solve some of your home improvement projects. For example, does your view at home include the plain, ugly wall of a building - maybe a garage or utility shed? Or maybe you have a fence that, while still functional, has seen better days.

Due to the fact that rose vines grow up rather than out, they are the perfect solution to many of these landscaping eye-sores. Although there are many types of plants that can grow with climbing vines, roses are perhaps the most beautiful flower to be had. Why not go for the best and solve your problem with style?

Climbing roses are not difficult to grow. In fact, they can be downright simple - just make sure they will have plentiful sunshine, nutrient-dense soil and of course, a place to climb such as a trellis or fence. The best part of all for gardeners who are impatient is that these vines will grow quickly.

In order for your vine-filled trellis or fence to look its best, take care to perform the occasional pruning. Shaping your rose vines is not difficult, but you'll need to make sure they are properly trained to grow to the structure you've attached them to. You'll experience the most enjoyment from your flowers when you take these simple steps to ensure proper growth.

It should be noted that climbing roses are not the same as the variety you cut and use in bouquets. They are meant to be enjoyed in their natural, on-the-vine state. Keep that in mind when choosing the best location for your plants - you want to get as much enjoyment from them as possible.

One of the best things about roses is the variety available to choose from. The colors, sizes and types are nearly unlimited.

A favorite for those who hate rose thorns is the Zephirine Drouhin rose. Although not completely thorn-free, this purplish flower has almost thornless stems. With a sweet fragrance and beautiful bloom, this rose is sure to make an impression.

If you want to have a colorful and fragrant garden, consider adding one or more climbing rose bushes to the layout. And the beauty of it is, because these plants are so easy to manage, your friends and neighbors will think you have the greenest thumb on the block.

About the Author
Visit GreenThumbCorner.com at http://www.GreenThumbCorner.com for more information about climbing roses and other lawn and garden needs.

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